Another Deception

[junkie-column column=”two-third” last=”true”] includeme file=”/home/rsarchive/Steiner/Lectures/AhrDec_index.html” [/junkie-column]  

Holiday Greetings

A Greeting for the Holidays: May your Holiday Season be Filled with Kindness and Love from the Rudolf Steiner Archive The e.Librarian and all of us at the The e.Lib wish you the best of Holiday Seasons … because of you, dear readers, this time of year is more blessed. We appreciate your being here […]


“Accumulating information is the first step toward knowledge, sharing information is the first step toward community.” — The e.Librarian   Welcome Everyone!  The Rudolf Steiner Archive & e.Lib is our gift to Anthroposophy, the world-wide Anthroposophical Movement in general, and to the Spiritual Community of Man. Here, we offer summaries of Rudolf Steiner’s books translated […]